Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Woof! What a Summer!!

What an amazing summer. The Outer Banks of North Carolina is the most awesome, most dog-friendly place on earth. Totally cool!

My people own a store called Beach Bag Books & Music in the Corolla Light Town Center. We're right across from the Currituck Sound, which is my FAVORITE place to swim. And did you know that there are FISH in the water? Someday Sarah is going to let me chase them over to the Grandy side of the sound...I know I can catch them!

Anyway, like all Newfies, I'm a working dog! But while most of us work at carting or towing lifeboats, I work at the store. It's totally fun. There are lots of people who scratch my head, and there's an ice cream shop AND a cheesesteak restaurant right next door...what dog could ask for more!

But it's October now and I don't know where everyone's gone! Sarah says that you will all be back next summer, but it's boring without you you promise you'll come back?

Sigh...maybe I can convince Ken and Sarah to close the store early and we can go to the beach. The water's warm this time of year you know...and it's 80 degrees and sunny...sure you don't want to come back now? ;)

Smell ya later!

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