Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Potions Class: Stink Sap Instructions

This summer we had a FABULOUS time at Sarah's favorite activity -- HOGWARTS POTIONS CLASS. We made icky, sticky, stinky, stink sap.

What is stink sap you ask? Ahh...time to reread your ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (Book 5) , then :) Stink sap is the gross greenish liquid that shoots out of Neville's pulsating plant on the Hogwarts Express. All over Harry. Just as Cho walks in to say hi. Of course :)

Now just in time for Halloween, here are the instructions for anyone who wants to make some at home. Just remember, stink sap acts like quicksand so be prepared for some sucking power.

HOW TO MAKE STINKSAP (Courtesy of Potions Master Sarah Keating)

  • Cauldron
  • Water
  • Wand
  • Horned Toad Shavings (Muggle name: Pop Rocks)
  • Selection of scented oils or spices
  • Hippogriff toenail shavings (Muggle name: cornstarch)
1. Fill a cauldron half-way with water.
2. Drop a small amount of Horned Toad Shavings into the water. Stir with your wand to activate. Potion should spit and fizz.
3. Mix scents of your choice into the potion. Mix well with your wand.
4. Mix a small amount of Hippogriff Toenail Shavings into the cauldron.
5. Continue adding Hippogriff Toenail Shavings until the potion looks runny, but is actually firm to the touch. (approximately 1 box of cornstarch to 1 cup of water)
6. Slap the surface. It shouldn't splash!
7. Drop a small stone or toy onto the surface. It should get sucked down!

TIP: NEVER POUR STINK SAP DOWN THE DRAIN! To dispose of it, let it sit out until it hardens, then toss it into the trash.

For other potion class ideas and instructions, click on this link: 2008/2007 Potions Classes
You can find out how to make Troll Boogers and Bubotuber Pus!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Club

Book clubs can be tons of fun. They can expose you to new books, authors, and subjects. Unfortunately, they can also be a drag. Especially if you're into science fiction and fantasy. It's a rare book club that chooses DUNE or FOUNDATION or even THE HOBBIT (and frankly, more should try it :) ).

But sci fi/fantasy fans, there's now a book club solution for you TOO!

The Sword and Laser is a book club for fans of ... well, swords and lasers. Lately, they've read ENDER'S GAME (O.S. Card), DUNE (F. Herbert), and GAME OF THRONES (G.Martin). And the best part is, you don't even have to leave your couch.

This book club is all on-line. The hosts, Tom and Veronica, record podcasts of their discussions and take questions from readers. All you have to do is go to and click on the podcast you want to hear. You can click on the current podcast, or an older one. You can even go to the forums ( and chat with others and join in the debate on topics like...will the new Wheel of Time book be any good? are there any good sci-fi audiobook recordings?


They do a new book every month. This month we're reading Marion Zimmer Bradley's amazing book, THE MISTS OF AVALON. I read it years ago...several times, in fact...and it's the King Arthur legend told from the perspective of Gueneviere, Morgause, and Morgan Le Fay. I'm rereading it again now, just to make sure that it's fresh in my mind :)

The new podcast should be up in early November, so get reading!

Sarah and Finn

PS FROM SARAH: My favorite Arthurian legend series is THE CRYSTAL CAVES (M. Stewart), which tells the story from Merlin's perspective, but MISTS is fantastic, too ;)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Book Review: Pawn of Prophecy

Funny, sarcastic, and fast-paced. This is a must-read for fantasy readers; middle school-aged through adult.

THE PAWN OF PROPHECY is the first book in David Eddings' BELGARIAD series (five books). Late one night, Garion is woken by his Aunt Pol and they run away with evil (and unknown) forces hot on their trail. Soon they hook up with a band of older and wiser adventurers who might be more than they seem..

I can't recommend this series enough. The tone is funny and sarcastic and the characters have unexpected depth. Best of all, the action moves fast and doesn't get bogged down following side-characters.

For fans of Terry Goodkind (THOMAS COVENANT), John Flanagan (RANGER'S APPRENTICE), and Robin Hobb (MAD SHIPS) -- check it out right away.

To read an excerpt, click on the title of this post.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


For the last year, Sarah and I have been on the hunt for vampire books that might appeal to the more...well, manly vampire lovers. The CIRQUE DU FREAK books by Daren Shan are AMAZING, but I needed something more.


It follows the story of  13-year old Vlad Tod. He's pale, thin, and gets picked on a lot. He's interested in a pretty, unattainable girl and his best friend knows his secret. The story moves fast and is witty, sarcastic, and an all-around good time.

For boys who would like to read about blood-thirsty vampired who aren't quite as "sparkley" as Edward Cullen, this series is a great way to go. Then pick up CIRQUE DU FREAK...then move on to Anne Rice's VAMPIRE LESTAT :)

Click on the title of this post to read an excerpt from EIGHTH GRADE BITES...


Monday, October 19, 2009


This is a guest posting from Julia and Corduroy Pierce (thanks, guys!)

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie has won more awards than JK Rowling’s Harry Potter Series including the National Book Award.  Now normally, this fact would have me avoiding the book like a plague.  I automatically know that it’s going to upset me.  It’s going to be deep and meaningful and angst ridden and shockingly violent and while it might be beautifully crafted, I know that it’s going to leave me feeling worse after I read it than I felt before I read it, so I’m not going to read it. 

However, this book has been bugging me all summer long.  Every day I’d come into the bookstore, see it on the shelf, pick it up, see the National Book Award Winner sticker on front and put it back down reminding myself that I am going to hate myself for reading it.  Yesterday, I gave into the temptation and as much as it pains me to admit this, I Loved It!  It was everything that I’d feared it would be but it was also beautiful in a deep soul satisfying way. 

It’s a book about friendship, heart shattering heartbreak, family,  to the bone grief, and being true to yourself almost beyond endurance.  But mostly, it’s about honest forgiveness of ourselves and others just for being human.  It’s not an easy read.  I almost put it back down after Chapter 2, but I’m glad that I didn’t.  It is, perhaps, the most honest book I’ve ever read.  I still view National Book Award Winners and Newberry Award Winner stickers more as warning labels than recommendations but in this case, I’m glad that I risked it.

Read an excerpt by clicking on the title of this post.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Book Review: COVET by JR Ward

I'll start this review by saying that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Black Dagger Brotherhood series (also by JR Ward). They are my favorite sexy-vampire books. Even better than Twilight, although younger readers (and anyone that blushes easily) should probably wait a while before diving into Ms. Ward's books.

COVET is the first book in a new series by JR Ward. The premise is classic good v evil. Heaven and Hell are locked in an epic struggle for the souls of humanity. But it seems like the end is in sight. The fate of the world lies in the decisions of seven people (i.e. seven people with seven deadly sins). The first book introduces Jim Heron. He has been selected by Heaven to help find and guide the seven people into making the "right" decisions.

It's a good idea with lot of opportunities for sexy heroes and heroines. Plus Jim and his gang of Fallen Angels are pretty hot themselves. The story takes place in the same world as the Black Dagger Brotherhood so there are some cool cameos.

However, when push comes to shove, I'm not sure how I feel about this series. The world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood felt real immediately and this one feels a tiny bit contrived. The story flow is a little jerky and sometimes confusing.

However, I'll definitely read the sequel. Ms. Ward's other books are so good that it's worth another try. Plus, I'm a little intrigued by the Fallen Angels working with Jim...and the dog...hmmmm....

Click on the title of this post for an excerpt of COVET.

Recommendation: Three out of five stars. Fans of JR Ward should pick it up. Those interested in trying her out, first pick up DARK LOVER the first of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books :)


NOTE: Vampires scare Finn...although werewolves are totally cool.

Friday, October 16, 2009

NonFiction for Young Readers

There are all kinds of readers. Some will only read books about animals. Some are fairy or dragon-focused. Some will only touch books that are part of a series. And some love encyclopedias and stories about real people.

There are amazing books for all of these kids, but today I'm going to focus on the early readers who love non-fiction.

You know who they are. They don't want stories and they don't want illustrations. They want facts, figures, and photographs. But most of the non-fiction books you see are for older kids. Don't panic. There are two great publishers that have tons of books to choose from.

DK books should be a staple of every home. They are packed with photos and facts, all geared to hold the attention of kids while they get the information that they crave. There is a series for preschoolers, grammar-school aged kids, and an amazing series of encyclopedias for all ages. Check the links below for a complete look at the titles and subjects:

Pre-School (aged 3-5 years):,,233300,00.html
First Years at School (aged 5-8):,,233405,00.html
Elementary School (8+):,,233498,00.html


Did you know that the Magic Treehouse series is more than stories? Most of the books have a companion volume that talks about the real science or history from each book. For example, MONDAY WITH A MAD GENIUS has a companion book all about the inventions of Leonardo DaVinci; and DARK DAY IN THE DEEP SEA has a companion all about sea creatures and sea monsters.

They are wonderful, check them out!

Sarah and I LOVE non-fiction, so we'll be reviewing all kinds of great non-fic for kids. Check back or follow us on Twitter (User Name: FinnegantheNewf) for updates!



Thursday, October 15, 2009

Adult's Halloween Pick! Faerie Tale

Want a scare this Halloween? Check out Faerie Tale by Raymond Feist.

I reread Faerie Tale every October to put me in the mood for my favorite holiday. It's packed with suspense, terror, and a Bad Thing that I really never want to meet.

Mr. Feist is the author of another of my favorite series, The Riftwar Saga (Magician: Apprentice is book #1), but this is something different.

Faerie Tale is the story of a family that moves into the mountains of upstate New York. It is a beautiful place that is just coming alive with the colors of autumn. Unfortunately, something else is stirring as well. At first, only the kids notice it. Then...well, read and find out.


Click on the title of this post for a Q&A with Raymond Feist about this book.


NOTE: Finn thinks this one might be too scary for him.

Kids' Halloween Pick: The Last Apprentice Series

Halloween is my favorite holiday. It really is. There's something amazing about being able to pretend to be ANYTHING YOU WANT for an entire day...I'm thinking about dressing as a Chihuahua this year...

That puts me in the mood for finding some great Halloween-ie books. Today we'll do a Kid Pick and tomorrow we'll do an Adult Pick....MUAHAHAHAHAH!

So, attention kids who love the Goosebumps books (RL Stine) but are looking for something new to try! Check out THE LAST APPRENTICE by Joseph Delaney.

Tom Ward, the main character, is the seventh son of a seventh son and it's time for him to start thinking about a career. For some reason, his parents decide to send him to live with a creepy guy who makes a living by scaring scary creatures. He's called a Spook.

The book is packed with great characters and spooky mysteries. Be ready to sleep with a night light for the next few days and pick up the first book in the series, Revenge of the Witch, today!

Click on the title of this post to read the first chapter!


PS: Here's the publisher's description: "Before Tom Ward, the local Spook had twenty-nine apprentices. Some floundered, some fled, some failed to stay alive, and now Tom is the Spook’s last chance. It’s up to him to help the Spook fight the local witches, ghosts and boggarts – and survive."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


What would YOU do if you opened a newspaper and saw a large, block-type advertisement that said:


I know that I would be immediately disappointed that I hadn't seen this ad when I was a kid. Then I would think, maybe they mean child at heart...

And I would call anyway :)

But that's just the way I am.

Luckily, that's also the way that the children in Trenton Lee Stewart's world are, too. I say lucky because it becomes very clear, very fast that Mr. Benedict needs their help.

This is  a WONDERFUL book. Full of puzzles and mysteries that readers can figure out along with Reynie, Kate, Constance, and Sticky. For fans of Roald Dahl's books, FANTASTIC MR. FOX, THE BFG, JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH, and CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, this book is a beautiful gem.

To read an excerpt, click on the title of this post :)


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Attention Romance and Paranormal Romance Readers!

Someone buys a Harlequin book every four seconds...that's right every FOUR SECONDS. So there's no reason to hide your love of romance novels behind a weighty "real fiction" hardcover or a flowered book sleeve.

Mandi, the blogger behind Smexy Books (click on title of this posting to go straight there), is the grand cheerleader of sexy, strong women finding sexy strong men. And she does't pull any punches in her reviews.

Smexy Books is packed with reviews, author updates, and even a list of "Smexy's Boyfriends" (they don't know about each other - and she wants to keep it that way). Today's posting is called "The Difference Between A Writer And A Storyteller."

Check it out and make Smexy a one-stop-shop for all info romantic :) (

Slobbery Kisses,

ASIDE FROM SARAH: Smexy loves J.R. Ward's BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD books, which means that she has excellent personal taste :)

ASIDE FROM FINN: I prefer Katie MacAlister's AISLING GREY books...because of Jim the Newf, of course.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Book Review: FOOL by Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore is a funny, funny man. He is also irreverent, bawdy, and borderline sacrilegious. If that sounds like someone you might like to have a beer with, then come on in --- the water's fine :)

FOOL (published Spring 2009) is my favorite in a line of utterly fantastic books. Mr. Moore writes stand-alone novels (not every book needs to be a series, you know), but they all fit together like a matched set of poetry. Magnetic poetry. You know, the kind that you stick on the fridge and then your friends rearrange the words into a crude or completely obscure speck of wisdom?

FOOL tells the the story of King Lear, the most tragic of Shakepeare's heroes. Lear remains the crazy old man we loathe and love and his daughters are...well...not very ladylike. But somehow, Mr. Moore has turned the tale into a hysterically funny comedy. It takes the point-of-view of Pocket, his court jester (you know, the fool), and it's incredible what a simple change of perspective can do to a story.

If you are a fan of David Sedaris, Jen Lancaster, and your sense of humor runs toward sarcasm and silly puns, give FOOL a chance.  And then if you love it, try LAMB, A DIRTY JOB, BLOODSUCKING FIENDS. 

Don't take my word for it, Mr. Moore has posted the first chapter on his Web site. Here's the warning he starts the book with. Just click on the title of this posting and you'll go straight to the rest of Chapter 1.


 This is a bawdy tale. Herein you will find gratuitous shagging, murder, spanking, maiming, treason, and heretofore unexplored heights of vulgarity and profanity, as well as non-traditional grammar, spit infinitives, and the odd wank. If that sort of thing bothers you, then gentle reader pass by, for we only endeavor to entertain, not to offend. That said, if that’s the sort of thing you think you might enjoy, then you have happened onto the perfect story! (Excerpt from FOOL by Christopher Moore)


We Miss You!


The summer rush ended just as suddenly as it started. It's always a bit weird to be greeting tons of people, sniffing new dog-friends, and avoiding 90 degree heat one day, and then the next day be hanging out outside in a cool 75 degree breeze with no one to talk to!

The beach can be weird.

Anyway, Sarah and I are going to be updating this blog at least five days a week this winter. We'll give book reviews, author updates, and crafty winter fun suggestions.

We'll announce all the updates on Twitter (FinnegantheNewf), so be sure to follow us and keep up on all the news from the Outer Banks.

Talk to you soon!

Slobbery Kisses,
