What a wonderful week we've had!
So many people came by to talk to us and look around the store--thank you so much!
Tee-hee...I made a new Newfie friend this week, too! Can you guess which one I am? (shhh...I'm the little one)
Let's see...Sarah asked me to let you know what this week's highlights were so here I go...
BOOKS: Stories about the ocean seemed to be really popular especially "The Hungry Ocean" by Linda Greenlaw and "Bats at the Beach" by Brian Lies. People were also really interested in historical fiction like "Constant Princess" by Phillipa Gregory and "Marie Antionette".
CDs: We're having a 50% off sale on all music in the store, so LOTS of CDs found new homes this week :)
CRAFTS: We had so much fun during craft hour on Wednesday making bracelets. Hopefully we'll see a few more for our Hogwarts Activity Hour on Friday, too!
I guess that's it, I'm on my way to find out more about this Easter Bunny business...I'm not sure what it's all about...do you think it's scary? Ken says that I'd probably like Peeps...(what are Peeps?)
PS: Check out these pictures of me and my new friends Seamus (the big Newfie on the left) and Gus (the Chessie)...don't we look like brothers!? I also met Beau -another great big Newfie from Virginia this week, but Sarah forgot her camera when he came to visit...I want to be big like them when I grow up!!
Love, Finn
Hi! I miss my friend, Finnegan! Give him a big biscuit! I'll see you this summer!
Hi Seamus!
It's good to hear from you! Give your people a big kiss from me. It's really hot here now, but the ocean waves are SO much fun :) I dragged Sarah to the beach this morning before we opened the store.
I hope that I see you later this summer!
Love, Finn
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