Sarah's just finished reading me the sixth Harry Potter book (HP and the Half Blood Prince), and I'm SO anxious for the next one that I can barely contain myself. Hang on, I need to run a few laps around the store....1, 2, 3, 4...woof, that's better. :)
I just HAVE to talk to someone about how much I love Hagrid. And Fang, too...but Hagrid is awesome. I think it's great that Hagrid shows people how a big, clumsy, sometimes slow guy can be a major hero. It makes me proud (woof!) to be part of that crowd! (Although I DO think a brother like Grawp would scare me a little...My kitty-sister Triscuit is super-tough, but I can always chase her when she's mean to me :) I don't think that a giant would run from me...hmmmmmm)
Hey! It's time to go to the BEACH!
Gotta run (maybe I'll find a Blast-Ended Skrewt...that would be completely cool!),
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